Bonnes pratiques en écho-endoscopie diagnostique

L’écho-endoscopie bronchique est une technique sûre avec peu de complications rapportées (<1%) : pneumothorax, complications infectieuses (abcès pulmonaire, médiastinite), hémopneumomédiastin, casse d’aiguille (152,153), fistules trachéo-médiastinales (154,155), sténose trachéale (156) et décès (106,157,158).



106. De Leyn P, Dooms C, Kuzdzal J, Lardinois D, Passlick B, Rami-Porta R, et al. Revised ESTS guidelines for preoperative mediastinal lymph node staging for non-small-cell lung cancer. Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg Off J Eur Assoc Cardio-Thorac Surg. mai 2014;45(5):787‑98.

152. Uchimura K, Yamasaki K, Hirano Y, Sakagami K, Kido T, Mukae H, et al. The Successful Removal of a Broken Needle as an Unusual Complication of Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (EBUS-TBNA): A Case Report and Literature Review. J UOEH. 2019;41(1):35‑40.

153. Bante N, Singh A, Gupta A, Mittal A, Suri J. Accidental breakage of needle tip during endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration: A case report and review of literature. Lung India. 2021;38(1):80.

154. Castro-Varela A, Molina S, Grosu HB. Tracheomediastinal Fistula Formation After Endobronchial Ultrasound Transbronchial Needle Aspiration While on Bevacizumab Treatment. Cureus [Internet]. 30 mars 2021 [cité 4 mars 2022]; Disponible sur:

155. Jang JG, Ahn JH, Lee SS. Delayed onset of mediastinitis with tracheomediastinal fistula following endobronchial ultrasound‐guided transbronchial needle aspiration; A case report. Thorac Cancer. avr 2021;12(7):1134‑6.

156. Grau A, Lozano C, Gallego M. Tracheal stenosis after endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration. Thorax. juin 2023;78(6):631.

157. Navani N, Brown JM, Nankivell M, Woolhouse I, Harrison RN, Jeebun V, et al. Suitability of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration specimens for subtyping and genotyping of non-small cell lung cancer: a multicenter study of 774 patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 15 juin 2012;185(12):1316‑22.

158. Miller DR, Mydin HH, Marshall ADL, Devereux GS, Currie GP. Fatal haemorrhage following endobronchial ultrasound-transbronchial needle aspiration: an unfortunate first. QJM Mon J Assoc Physicians. mars 2013;106(3):295‑6.